Modern Day Slavery also called Human Trafficking is alive & well in the Tampa Bay area unfortunately! What is it? Human Trafficking: Exploitation of Humans 4 Immoral & Illegal Gain We have the 3rd highest rate here & Florida has…
Building Towards (Tiny) Home Fundraiser
Will you help us build their bridge to home ownership? We would like to raise funds so we can purchase a “Tiny Home” (about $30,000) for one of our clients living on disability. Check out more info on our Facebook…
Hope 4 Home 2017
Almost through the year and we are busy at work fundraising for our own “home” so that we can help more people break their homelessness and build their homestead in our community. If you would like to partner with us…
Hope 4 Home 2015
We are already halfway through the year – we are working on dreams… Our dream is to help fulfill our clients’s dreams… building their bridge from poverty to purpose, from homelessness to home-ownership. Someone like Kim – she’s going to school for her accounting degree. See here: A New…
2014 Hope 4 Home campaign
[THIS IS A COPY OF OUR 2014 CAMPAIGN] “Home“. It’s a word with many different meanings to many different people. Our Hope is 4 Homes for our clients now and later when they graduate our program. Our long-term transitional housing and rehabilitation programs is…
In Honor of Veteran’s Day 2014
Happy Veteran’s Day 2014. America has a formidable military presence since her founding, but it is because of wars and battles that we waged that we honor our military veterans. Each veteran had their reasons for becoming part of the…
Hope 4 Home
We are at the end of 2016 & we are working on dreams. Our dream is to help fulfill our clients’s dreams… building their bridge from poverty to purpose, from homelessness to home-ownership. Someone like Kim – she’s going to school for her accounting degree. See here: A New…
To our Veterans and Troops on Memorial Day 2014
I think, we see our troops as invincible and they acquire somewhat of a superhero status in our eyes. They are trained to become battle-ready and efficient armed services personnel that know their weaponry, equipment, strategies, deployments and platoons well…